неделя, януари 06, 2008

European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008) Academic Ethnological Society is looking for partners

Academic ethnological society /AES/ has got as an objective to take part in the different activities projected for the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008. The AES plans to participate in projects with the aim of promoting and increasing awareness about Intercultural Dialogue in Bulgaria regarding the importance of intercultural communication for social cohesion. The main fields we are interested in are: culture, European cultural heritage and cultural and visual anthropology. The AES wants to be considered in the search for partners in the field of the EYID and it's also interested in the promotion and participation of projects within the EYID. Establishing contacts with institutions interestеа in developing common projects within the EYID.
View our profile at the Partner section of EYID website.

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